Inside Terrorgram: A Strategic Look at the Collective's History


On January 13 the United States government officially designated the Terrorgram Collective as a terrorist network (following on the heels of the UK’s proscription of the same entity in April 2024). As I noted in my examination of the Antioch High School shooters manifesto made reference to the "Terrorgram Collective". Moreover, the Soyjak Attacker Video Fandom (SAVF) and the Com Network, both have been influenced by the Terrogram Collective and inspired individuals from these networks to mobilize to acts of violence.

Below, I offer an explainer and a historical threat analysis on the Terrorgram Collective—the smaller, more centralized unit of leaders inside the broader Terrorgram ecosystem—elaborating on how it functions and why it poses a significant security risk in the context of rising transnational violent extremist movements.

1. Defining Accelerationism and the “Skull Mask” Neo-Fascist Milieu

Before delving into the history of the Terrorgram network and the Terrorgram Collective, it is crucial to understand the ideological context in which they operate. Accelerationism refers to a strategy of hastening societal collapse through acts of violence, thereby paving the way for a new political or social order. Militant accelerationism has, in recent years, been adopted by violent extremist and neo-fascist groups. Their vision calls for the deliberate intensification of perceived social, cultural, and racial conflicts as a means to destabilize society and accelerate its collapse.

Militant accelerationism is a set of tactics and strategies designed to put pressure on and exacerbate latent social divisions, often through violence, thus hastening societal collapse.

The skull mask has become a unifying aesthetic symbol for a transnational array of terrorists and violent extremists. Using skull masks, black clothing, and stylized imagery, these groups adopt a shared subculture that blurs the boundaries between white supremacist militancy, occult fascism, and a generalized call for armed insurgency.

This so-called skull mask neo-fascist milieu (a phrase referencing the stylized mask attire commonly worn in group photos, propaganda videos, and manifestos) often overlaps with or even merges into the Terrorgram ecosystem. Indeed, Terrorgram is best understood as an ecosystem of Telegram channels and supporting networks that celebrate, and incite violent accelerationist action. Many individuals in these networks are also involved in producing propaganda—like digital zines, instructional guides, image boards, audio recordings—that glorify prior attackers and provide instructions for future violence.

2. History of the Terrorgram Network and the Emergence of the Terrorgram Collective

The Terrorgram network emerged on Telegram in the late 2010s, following the deplatforming of various white supremacist and neo-fascist forums like Iron March and from more mainstream social media. Initially, these channels served as hubs for far-right propaganda, where users shared memes, “Saints culture” materials (iconography that venerates past terrorists), bomb-making instructions, discussions on potential targets, and general discussions of extremist ideology. Over time, certain admins and content producers in the network became more prolific, churning out well-formatted, self-labeled “manifestos,” e-books, and e-zines designed not just for internal consumption but to recruit or incite prospective violent actors around the world.

While Terrorgram at large features hundreds of channels with varying degrees of activity, disorganization, and ideological nuance, one smaller cell within the broader ecosystem rose to prominence for its cohesive propaganda campaigns and the use of uniform branding across multiple channels and networks. This more cohesive group within the Terrorgram ecosystem came to be known as the Terrorgram Collective:

“The collective, comprised of a small number of transnational individuals and accelerationists, are collectively responsible for the envisioning, organizing, writing, creating propaganda, and disseminating violent ideological content (such as manifestos) across the broader ecosystem. Content created by the collective inspired the 2022 Bratislava terrorist attack and inspired several others.”

The group’s significance rose sharply following several high-profile terrorist incidents in Europe and North America. In particular, the 2022 shooting outside an LGBTQ+ venue in Bratislava, Slovakia, by an attacker who explicitly cited Terrorgram Collective materials, brought renewed scrutiny to the group’s role in incitement. Subsequent revelations indicated that the Collective’s propaganda had inspired other individuals as well, including at least two teenagers who orchestrated or attempted violent attacks in their respective countries (the 2024 stabbing near a mosque in Turkey, for instance, and an attempted infrastructure attack in the United States).

Key Milestones in the Terrorgram Collective’s Emergence

  1. First Wave of Publications (2019–2020): Manifestos and ephemeral guides circulated on smaller Telegram channels, instructing adherents to commit lone-actor violence.

  2. Consolidation (2021–2022): A handful of leading propagandists coalesced into a tight-knit group, labeling themselves the Terrorgram Collective. They began producing more polished zines, which were widely shared across extremist forums.

  3. High-Profile Incitement (2022–2024): Incidents like the Bratislava shooting led to formal recognition of Terrorgram Collective publications as direct catalysts for violent attacks in Turkey and Slovakia.

  4. Terrorist Designations and Law Enforcement Actions (2024–2025): In April 2024, the UK Home Office designated the Terrorgram Collective as a proscribed terrorist organization, followed in January 2025 by the U.S. government’s listing of the Collective and three of its leaders under Executive Order 13224 (UK Government Announcement, U.S. Department of State Press Release). Several arrests in Canada, the U.S., and other countries followed, focusing on individuals believed to be core members or affiliates of the Collective (RCMP arrest Press Release, DOJ Indictment Press Release).

3. What the Terrorgram Network Is, Where It Operates, and the Activities It Promotes

The Terrorgram Network is best understood as an overarching ecosystem of Telegram channels, chat groups, and affiliated websites or file-sharing repositories used to disseminate content advocating violent extremism. While Telegram is the network’s linchpin, members and supporters sometimes operate mirrored channels on other platforms to circumvent takedowns.

3.1 Core Characteristics of the Terrorgram Network

  • Decentralized Structure: Dozens to hundreds of Telegram channels, each with its own distinct branding and user base, share or forward content from one another. This structural redundancy allows extremist content to persist despite periodic deletions or law enforcement interventions.

  • Propaganda Production: Highly graphic video compilations praising mass shootings, digital “posters” calling for the targeting of minority communities or infrastructure, e-zines offering step-by-step instructions for violence, and ephemeral voice chats where participants strategize.

  • “Saints Culture” and Hero-Worship: The network frequently glorifies previous attackers, turning them into “martyrs” or “saints.” Memorial images, stylized as religious iconography, proliferate in these channels, inspiring potential copycats.

  • Cross-Pollination with Other Militant Extremist Ideologies: There is a willingness to integrate multiple forms of extremism—ranging from white supremacist “accelerationism” to occult groups (e.g., Order of Nine Angles), and even the appropriation of content from Salafi-jihadist propaganda for shock value and tactical learning (see ICSR Report on “Examining Narrative Syncretism between Accelerationists and Salafi–Jihadists”).

3.2 Activities Actively Promoted

  1. Organizing “Day of the Rope” or “Siege” Themes: Allusions to fictional or symbolic days of mass violence, frequently evoking references to Siege ideology (the novel by James Mason) or the “Boogaloo.”

  2. Infrastructure Attacks: Promotion of sabotage and attacks on the electrical grid, water supply, or other critical infrastructure systems, frequently referencing “accelerationist” hopes of sparking chaos in society (see George Washington University’s Extremism Report on Critical Infrastructure Targeting).

  3. Guides to Homemade Weapons and Tactics: Many channels provide PDFs or text that describe how to build improvised explosive devices, acquire untraceable firearms (“ghost guns”), or use 3D printing to manufacture weapon parts.

  4. Calls for Lone-Wolf or Small-Cell Attacks: Inspired by a decentralized approach to terrorism, they encourage individuals to act independently for maximum unpredictability.

  5. Violent Rhetoric Targeting Minorities: Anti-Black, anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, anti-LGBTQ+ incitement is abundant; channels often focus on instructing “white men” or “Aryan warriors” to target these communities.

  6. Contingency “OpSec” Advice: They share tips on avoiding law enforcement detection, such as using encrypted platforms, employing virtual private networks (VPNs), or using cryptocurrency to purchase supplies.

4. Summaries of the Manifestos of the Terrorgram Collective

The Terrorgram Collective has distinguished itself within the broader network by curating and producing high-profile manifestos. These documents often interweave accelerationist ideology, racist or antisemitic conspiracies, detailed instructions for violence, and a “creative” aesthetic that includes photography, stylized text layouts, and edgy graphic design.

4.1 Hard Reset

  • Core Themes: Calls for the “reset” of modern civilization via mass violence, with elaborate images depicting bombings and gun attacks. Encourages infiltration into mainstream technology platforms for recruitment.

  • Influence: Referenced by multiple would-be attackers in the U.S. and Europe, including the recent Antioch High School shooter.

4.2 Do It for the Gram

  • Core Themes: Encourages violent extremists to record or livestream their attacks (“doing it for the Gram”), leveraging shock value for maximum online exposure. The text provides tactical advice on filming, editing, and distributing terror content across multiple social media platforms, aiming to inspire copycats and amplify fear.

  • Influence: Referenced in investigations of individuals who planned livestreamed attacks in 2023 and 2024. Canadian law enforcement records mention Do It for the Gram as an instruction manual that prospective offenders consulted for operational guidance and propaganda distribution.

4.3 Militant Accelerationism

  • Core Themes: Emphasizes the necessity of hastening perceived societal collapse through mass violence, infiltration strategies, and guerrilla-style sabotage. The text fuses extreme white supremacist tenets with broader calls for decentralized terror cells, outlining steps for acquiring weapons, manufacturing IEDs, and conducting lone-actor attacks.

  • Influence: Found in the digital possession of several individuals arrested in Europe and North America; law enforcement notes that the text was used as a blueprint for paramilitary-style training and for planning targeted acts of domestic terrorism.

5. Examination of the Terrorist and Violent Extremist Cases Against the Terrorgram Collective

Over the last two years, multiple jurisdictions worldwide have pursued legal and law enforcement actions against Terrorgram Collective members or affiliates. Below is a summary of prominent cases that illuminate the transnational nature of this extremist network:

  1. Bratislava (Slovakia) 2022 Attack Case

    • Attacker: Juraj Krajčík (now deceased).

    • Alleged Ties: Krajčík’s manifesto explicitly referenced content from the Terrorgram Collective, praising it as a “holy text.”

    • Outcome: Posthumous investigation determined that Krajčík was part of a Telegram chat run by one or more core members of the Collective.

  2. Turkey Mosque Stabbing (2024) Case

    • Attacker: Arda Küçükyetim, alleged accomplice “Hansen.”

    • Alleged Ties: Attackers were active in a small Terrorgram-related group that championed “direct action” with knives and other improvised weapons. They were also part of the Soyjak Attacker Video Fandom.

    • Outcome: Both suspects arrested. Prosecutors cited their online propaganda from channels referencing the Collective.

  3. NJ Energy Facility Plot (Alleged, 2024)

    • Suspect: Dallas Humber, Matthew Allison.

    • Alleged Ties: The suspect had multiple Terrorgram Collective e-books, including instructions for sabotage and references to the “Boog Season” series.

    • Outcome: Arrested before any attack was carried out.

  4. Canadian Affiliates (2023–2024)

    • Suspects: Matthew Althorpe, Kristoffer Nippak

    • Outcome: Ongoing trials. One suspect was denied bail after the court found alleged direct communications with top-tier Terrorgram Collective administrators.

    • Sources: Both suspects arrested.

  5. U.S. Federal Case(s) Involving TGC Leadership

    • Suspects: Dallas Humber, Matthew Allison.

    • Alleged Ties: Acted as administrators of private Telegram channels funneling propaganda, used cryptocurrency donations, and sold extremist merch.

    • Outcome: Undergoing trial. If convicted, they face lengthy prison sentences.

These cases collectively highlight the international scope of the network’s membership, how these members leverage digital platforms to spread extremist content, and the emergent synergy between local real-world contexts (a stabbing in Turkey, a planned sabotage in the U.S., or a shooting in Slovakia) and a shared online culture.

6. Concluding Toughts

6.1 Enduring Appeal of “Accelerationist Terror”
Despite the string of arrests and proscription efforts, the Terrorgram Collective and the broader Terrorgram ecosystem remain active. Militant accelerationism resonates still across a wide swath of terrorist and violent extremist milieus. For them, mass violence becomes the ultimate expression of defiance, a sacrificial “reset button” on society.

6.2 Transnational and Adaptive
The Collective’s small membership is scattered across multiple countries, using advanced digital security measures (encrypted messaging apps, cryptocurrencies, rotating admin privileges). This decentralized structure, combined with continuous re-branding on new Telegram channels, posed a formidable challenge to investigators.

6.3 Overlapping Subcultures
The infiltration of Terrorgram Collective propaganda into communities like the SAVF network or The Com network should remind practitioners that this type of content can thrive in unexpected fringe subcultures. Traditional frameworks need to adapt to identify these “fandom” or “meme-laden” subcultures as potential pools for radicalization.

References and Suggested Readings

Below is a selected list of references used throughout this analysis, with a focus on publicly available materials and key investigations related to the Terrorgram Collective.

  1. Accelerationism & Skull Mask Milieu

  2. Terrorgram Collective Overview

  3. Key Cases & Official Documents

  4. Academic and Think-Tank Analyses

  5. Contextual Resources on Related Extremism

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The Significance of Firearms in Militant Accelerationist Attacks


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